Bert Pilon từ Ejgerd, Isfahan, Iran



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Bert Pilon Sách lại (10)

2019-09-16 20:30

Tiết Kiệm Không Khó, Theo Đó Mà Giàu Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi:

About a year and a half ago, I noticed the increase in graphic novels (I know... REAL observant, huh?). I browsed through the graphic novels section in bookstores a number of times but didn't pick up anything to take home to read. During this time, I also bumped into a friend who was very into graphic novels one night at a local bookstore and asked her whether she thought that there were graphic novels that might be part of a modern canon of literature. Where there graphic novels that one should have read to consider themselves "well read" (whatever the heck that means...)? She replied enthusiastically "Yes!!!" and began listing off titles. I'm not sure if Watchmen was a part of that list - I really can't say. I do remember listening to her and nodding, wishing her goodbye, browsing in the graphic novels section for a bit more, and walking away. When the buzz about the Watchmen reached a level that caught my attention, I remembered our conversation and decided that I needed to "break out of my routine" to read it. I did enjoy reading it to a point but I'm still not sure that I have an answer to my question. Was this just a diversion from the "real" books on my nightstand? Was it a guilty pleasure? Was it art or kitch? Do I know enough about this genre to form an intelligent opinion? And even without opinions on these issues, would I consider reading another? I haven't decided yet. I thought that the plot, as many have said, was much more developed and mature than I had expected it to be; the illustration was superb; and the side story of the pirates was thought provoking. (The main story had less room to be thought provoking - its viewpoint was hammered home pretty clearly.) I did, however, find myself disappointed that the story line was exclusively limited to the superheros. I didn't find ordinary folks in the story to be really characters. Rather, I thought they were used as simple examples to support the premises of the story - nothing more. The plot arc was good until the final portion and I found the ending to be ok - not great, not good - just ok. Will I re-read Watchmen? Maybe. Will I read more graphic novels? I don't know yet. I don't find myself wanting to rush out to purchase more. However, I am trying very hard to stay open and form any larger opinions regarding graphic novels slowly.

2019-09-16 23:30

Vận Trình 2009 Của 12 Chòm Sao - Dương Cưu Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Lê Thanh

Florence is the daughter of a recently deceased country vicar. She's not a high society debutante, but she IS a beauty. Now she needs a husband, and she needs one fast. Otherwise, she's a woman of little means in a world in which women without the protection of a man have few choices. Edward Burbrooke is in need of a wife, and he needs one NOW. Only he needs a wife for his brother, not himself. Brother Freddie has been caught with his pants down one too many times. Only he never had a woman in the room with him...he had a man! **Gasp!!** But in this day and age, homosexuality was a scandalous road to family ruin. When Edward and Florence meet, their circumstances seem to be fortuitous. Freddie and Florence become fast friends, but of course there is no attraction between the two. Oh, no...the attraction that sizzles off of these pages is between Florence and Edward. And let me tell you, it was smoking!!! There's nothing hotter than forbidden love. While most people label this as erotic historical romance, I really didn't think it was all that bad...or good, tee hee. It was a little sexier, but nothing all that taboo. Maybe the dirty talk was a bit more explicit. The next book in the series, however... Beyond Seduction, was MUCH more erotic than this one. While I liked the book, there wasn't much that stood out to me as all that amazing. The story was good. I liked that there was a homosexual man who was considered to be just a very good person. Often, even in books written now, in this genre, gay people are considered to be heathen and unnatural. But Freddie was a wonderfully lighthearted, empathetic friend to Florence. And yet he still remained manly, and in no way effeminate, which I thought was cool. But I like gay men, sooooo..... I like some erotic with my historicals. But I also think that the genre allows much less eroticism than any other subgenre. Naughty words in an HR are much more titillating and shocking than in modern contemporaries. This was erotic for a historical. And it was good. Nothing earth shattering, but a nice read.

2019-09-17 02:30

Tìm Hiểu Về Siêu Âm Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi:

This was my other widow book, this one on audio. This was a little sweeter than the other; i.e. the characters weren't quite so whiny... One year after her husband's death, writer Helen is still trying to figure, well, everything out. Her husband did EVERYTHING for her so now she depends on friends, neighbors and her daughter for everything. She's not even sure how to pay her bills! (If that doesn't encourage women everywhere to pick up a wrench every now and then I don't know what will.) Then she gets a call from her accountant who tells her that before her husband's death he almost emptied their entire savings/retirement account. ($800,000 worth!) Helen has no idea what he did with the money and no way to find out. I would love to say more, but I'd be spoiling it. But let's say that when she finds out what it is, she doesn't know quite what she should do with it and her daughter can't understand why she doesn't just give it to her. Annoying. I thought the book could've been slightly more interesting had it focused more on Helen trying to figure out her own life, but I liked it well enough. The scene where she applies for a job at Anthropologie was hysterical. At her interview she basically tells them she only wants days, short shifts, no cash register, in fact maybe just one day a week doing nothing but manning the gift wrap table. Hard to believe but at retail we DO get people like that.

Người đọc Bert Pilon từ Ejgerd, Isfahan, Iran

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.