Danjel Buttigieg từ Bolshaya Volga, Tverskaya oblast', Russia



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Danjel Buttigieg Sách lại (10)

2019-10-07 08:30

Bí Kíp Luyện Rồng Của Nấc Cụt Horrendous Haddock Đệ Tam Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi:

This was, in many ways, a book that stole my readers virginity. I picked this up in the school library when I was eleven years old, ten years ago. The cover, matching the one I now own, was a spider with a mans head, and in no way appealed to me. But the first chapter, titled 'A girl with a pony' drew me in immediately. Thank God for my horse obsession, or I'd never have discovered these books, and this wonderful author. It was my first fantasy book. It was my first book not directly related to horse. It was my first 'grown up' book - a book that wasn't directed at my age group, but could be enjoyed by all ages. I haven't been the same since these books. They opened the floodgate to the river of longing that is my need for fantasy stories, and lots of them. As well as the long-term ramifications of reading the book (and series), it was just delightful to read a story about such a strong young woman, and she had nearly everything I'd ever wanted. I mean, what eleven year old girl doesn't want the ability to talk to, and turn into, animals? I can't stress enough how much this book changed me. Tamora Pierce, more than any other author, is the reason I write my own stories, and the reason I want only strong, independent female characters in any story I now read. I've since read, and bought, the Alanna series and begun the Circle of Magic series along with Tricksters Choice. For any one with young teenagers, or younger children, it is within your best interests to read to, or give them, this book. It can't do anything but bring them extreme happiness and a desire for books.

2019-10-07 09:30

3 Phút Để Khám Phá Tính Cách Của Đối Phương Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Trần Phong Trì

I wasn't really sure about this book at the beginning. I a total V girl so it was an incredibly hard read for me. Even though JR had warned us I was still surprised to see V in such a state. I had always been a little bit (ok a lot) disappointed in his ghost of a shellan. The beginning of this book certainly didn't change that. I spent the first half thinking "See she hasn't helped him get over his issues at all." In the end I think V working through his issues with the help of Butch more than anyone else was totally appropiate. Butch was the first person to break through V's shell. He made it possible for V to come together with Jane and for his final acceptance of himself and a loving relationship. One of the most satisfying scenes in the whole book for me was when V and Butch were laying on the bed just being together. I know it seems weird that I've written so much about Payne and Manny's book and haven't mentioned them once. That's because I really see this as V's book with their story as secondary (maybe this is because I'm a V girl?). I don't think I'm totally invested in them as a couple. I would have liked to see more at the end. I liked Manny and V's interactions more than anything, especially their acceptance of each other in the end. Finally a person in the mansion with my taste in music. I can't wait the hear the Escalade rocking Avenged Sevenfold and Bullet for My Valentine. I am disappointed in a few things. I really wanted to see Payne inducted into the Brotherhood and V and Jane's mating cermony. I would have liked to see the continuation of the Manny/Butch/Wrath connection. I'm a rabid team Qhuay fan so I definitely wanted to see more of them not just Qhuinn. And of course in typical JR fashion she opened up several story lines that still have me scrathing my head wondering where they are going. I'm sure she will tell eventually. In the end I loved the book. I was sad to see it end and am counting down the days until the next one (Qhuinn and Blay please!!).

2019-10-07 12:30

Combo Tiểu Thuyết Của Tác Giả Diệp Lạc Vô Tâm (Bộ 3 Cuốn) Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Diệp Lạc Vô Tâm

Everyone needs at least one author they can depend on, someone whose books you just unabashedly love and who can give you what you need when you need it: a fun story, intelligent, funny, engrossing, exciting, sensual, clever and very well written. If you follow my reviews at all regularly I'm sure you know by now that Kresley Cole is exactly that for me, especially when it comes to this particular series. Since we've hit book eleven, it might be a good time to recap a bit. This is a deeply involved and intricate contemporary fantasy world, one of Lore creatures - everything from Valkyrie to nymphs, witches to sorcerers, demons to lycanthrope and vampires, all living their own world within ours - as well as on other planes that are rather like completely different planets. The Fantasy geek in me loves this world, being richly developed, multi-layered and full of surprises. The characters get in situations that seem dire and with no possible solution in sight; yet time and again Cole comes up with a clever way to deliver a happy-ever-after ending. It's a puzzle. It's addictive. There are certain species of the Lore that get more attention than others, namely: Lycanthrope (werewolves), Valkyrie (warrior women who eat lightning), witches, demons and vampires. The main cast that we keep coming back to are the Valkyries, women born of a woman who died in battle, whose parents also consist of two gods who are now sleeping, leaving their "children" on their own. They each have their own gifts, especially as they're all partly some other species, and they live in covens, in groups. Regin the Radiant is a Valkyrie with a smart mouth and great skill with the sword. Centuries ago, she left Valhalla as a child of twelve to find her sister, Lucia, and goes to enlist the help of Viking berserkers led by Aidan the Fierce. Aidan recognises Regin as his fated bride, and waits for her to grow into a woman. Yet fate has other ideas: although they meet again and fall in love, Aidan is killed before he can wed her, but vows to return. So begins a doomed cycle through the ages: every time Aidan is reborn into another warrior, and meets Regin again, he remembers his past lives. And as soon as he remembers, he is killed all over again. Regin decides it's past time to change tactics: the only way to keep the man she loves alive is to ensure their paths never cross, and if they do, that he never remembers. But when Regin is captured by Declan Chase, a human working for the mortal organisation called the Order which knows about Lore creatures and is determined to exterminate them - by catching them, cutting them open, figuring out their flaws and developing weapons against them. At a secret base of operations on an island, Regin is kept prisoner along with dozens of other Lore species, and a few friends. Aidan reborn is a very different man this time around: cold and distant, repressed even, she yet recognises his beserker spirit and this time plans to make him remember, because in his death she sees revenge and freedom. The plot of this novel is parallel to a couple of other books in the series - meaning that, more than one story is occurring simultaneously, but each builds more on the others, so you still need to read them in order to get the full, complex tapestry. That's what I mean by a puzzle, in part. A few books ago, it was mentioned that Regin was running from her reincarnated lover, and she'd disappeared. I felt like I really knew the story of the Order on this island, because maybe it was only the previous book, but the details are so rich and vivid that it feels like more, and it was great seeing events unfold from a different angle. It was interesting having a hero who starts off so unattractive, as a person. It was more than his flaws, it was his deeds, and yet that only makes it more intense. I will say that when things shifted toward the end, Lothaire (the "Enemy of Old", an ancient and charismatic vampire) totally stole the show and got me very excited about reading his upcoming story. He's another "bad guy" on the surface who is more than you realise. Part of the fun of having so many different kinds of immortals running around, is that when they do horrible things to each other, you never really hold it against them: they're immortal, after all, and things in this world can be fixed. You know the expression, It's not the end of the world? Well that seems to be the principle Cole works from to create these stories and these scheming, vengeful creatures. What fun! If you're looking for a fantastic series with witty banter, twists and turns, adventure, unsappy romance, and a richly-developed fantasy world, you should definitely start with this one.

Người đọc Danjel Buttigieg từ Bolshaya Volga, Tverskaya oblast', Russia

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.