Allan Villa từ Újkenéz, Hungary



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Allan Villa Sách lại (10)

2019-11-02 14:31

Bé Tô Màu Thông Minh Tập 2 Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi:

A nice addition to the Sword of Truth series that gives the reader a little window onto one of the more important events of the main series' back-story: the creation of the boundaries that divided Westland, D'Hara and the Midlands from each other. The story is short and sharp, especially when you compare it to Goodkind's other door-stopper novels, but despite that it offers a great deal. The level of detail added to Zedd's character is impressive, and we get to see in greater depth things that were only alluded to in the main series, such as a populated Wizard's Keep that was as much a centre of power in Aydindril as the Confessor's Palace was shown to be in the second and third installments of the main series, the respect and fear that Confessors engendered in the people of the Midlands before their near-extinction just prior to the start of the main series and a few other minor things. There are, however, a few negative aspects of the story. For one thing it is tightly focussed, so some of the characters are not as well fleshed out as Goodkind usually makes his characters. A major culprit in this regard is the lead heroine, Abby, about whose background we get precious little beyond the essentials needed to drive the plot of this story. Also major background events, like the war with D'Hara, while alluded to, are not well explored in the course of the story which does detract somewhat from the urgency of Zedd and the Mother Confessor in particular who seem to be driven primarily by their need to end the war quickly. Overall, however this book is worth picking up, especially since it is short and won't take long to read. However for newcomers to the world of the Sword of Truth, I recommend starting with the main series as you will find answers there to many of the aspects of this book that are left hanging.

2019-11-02 20:31

Tài Trí Làm Người Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Nguyễn Trọng Phụng

This was a great book about a famous female artist, Artemisia Gentilechi, who lived from 1593 to 1653, mainly in Rome, Florence, and Naples. After I read the book I was so intrigued by her that I did some research on the internet and found that even though this book is a novel, that most everything in the book really happened, i.e., the paintings that the book describes, the rape trial, and her friendship with Galileo. I loved looking at the actual paintings online after having read the book. Obviously during this time it would be very difficult to make it as female artist but Artemisia is actually the first female to ever be admitted to the "Acamdemia Del' Arte", an exclusive group of artists in that time. The reasons that I only gave this book four stars were that it jumped forward too quickly and did not explain how she got from point A to B and little details that were left out that should have been an integral part of the story, i.e., it was not revealed until pg. 246 that her daughter had artistic abilities. It also never explained why she never married the creep who raped her (Agostino), as would have been customary for the time and she had always planned on it.....although it was later revealed that he was a married man who had had his wife murdered to marry her.....but then never did? It also bothered me greatly that she left her wonderful position in Genoa just because creepy Agostino was coming there, then later relocated to Rome as a pauper when that was his home town and she went through some much ridicule as people never forgot the rape trial. Why not go back to her wonderful life in Genoa once he was gone? Why go back to his home town? She looks at herself as being selfish and thinking of art only but I really feel like it was Pietro who was selfish, not her. Fun book. I am a historical fiction freak. Let me know if you read it and what you think!

Người đọc Allan Villa từ Újkenéz, Hungary

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.