Ramesh Sangepu từ Seville VIC , Australia



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Ramesh Sangepu Sách lại (10)

2019-11-13 04:31

Món Ăn Nhanh Cho Ngày Picnic Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi:

I bury myself the best I can in old books, but somehow my old books keep dragging me back to the latest "breaking news". Take this one, for example, inspired by the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill. Ten days after I finished reading it, I turned on the TV to discover the Santa Barbara beaches once more mired in oil, its seabirds blackened and endangered. Sure, it's nice to be reminded of old books I like, but this kind of deja vu I don't need. For years I recalled Sleeping Beauty as one of Macdonald's finest novels, principally for the way he combined the oil spill theme with the sudden disappearance of a possibly suicidal woman. Her family is in the oil business, and when detective Lew Archer first meets her, she is on the beach, trying to rescue a dying, oil-soaked grebe. "A handsome young woman,” Archer describes her, “with eyes as angry as the bird's." Within the novels first few pages, the central Macdonald themes of angry nature, family greed, and the haunted young are combined in one inspired metaphor. Unfortunately, what I failed to remember is that this metaphor does not remain central to the plot, which soon becomes an extraordinarily complicated collection of protective camouflage and weary masks worn by a large cast of characters, some hiding petty, and some great crimes. Don't get me wrong. This is an effective, well-constructed novel, written in elegant prose. It just wasn't the great novel I had held in memory, the novel I hoped it would once again be.

2019-11-13 07:31

Hỏi Đáp Về Sài Gòn - Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh (Tập 1: Địa Lý Lịch Sử) Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi:

Okay, so. I don’t even know where to start. Gemma is a eighteen-year-old who’s never felt anything. With that I mean that until a few months ago, for all her life she hasn’t been able to feel a single emotion, and she can’t explain to herself both why she wasn't able to in the past and why she can now. Complicating her situation is the arrival at school of two new students—Aislin and Alex Avery. [I know, what’s with the A? whatever] She’ll soon find out nothing’s like she thought it to be, and a terrible truth is awaiting her. All right. I’m telling you first off that I’ve got A LOT of critics to make on this novel. Even at the start, I was already wrinkling my nose at the book. I had high expectations on The Fallen Star, but then I read this: “Even from a distance, I could tell he was gorgeous; the way his dark brown hair scattered messily over his head, but in an intentionally-doneperfect kind of way. And his bright green eyes reminded me of clovers and flourishing springtime leaves. He wore a pair of dark blue jeans and a black hoodie. I’d guess him to be tall, but I couldn’t say for sure unless I got closer to him.” Sure. Because you're not close enough to say if he's tall but you can see the color of his eyes. What sort of eyesight problems do you have? What. I hate the gorgeous stranger stereotype everyone's pulling nowadays, and I hate it even more if the description's stupid. But moving on, after a few pages I was horrified at this book. Why? Because a writer has to freaking learn how to write. And I’m not talking about writing in the general sense, I mean freaking grammar mistakes. Want a few? I’ve got them. A LOT of 'em. How about I post a top ten? 'Cause yeah.. there were definitely more than that. 1.“So where exactly are we going?” I asked. “Where going to two places, actually,” Alex told me. - This was the first one I found, and I was like O_O, but I didn’t really give too much weight to it, thinking it would just be that one. 2. Breath, I commanded myself. You will not cry. – Right. She’s not telling herself to BREATHE, she’s telling herself to breath. Whatever than means. 3. For some stupid reason, I suddenly thought about the kissed we’d shared right before all hell had broken loose. - .. 4. "I should be able to get it out and stitched it up without any problems.” - Okay, honey. Either you say ‘stitched up’, or you say ‘stitch it up’.. Pick one, but don’t mix both. Dx 5. She started rummaging through the clothes again, every once and awhile tossing something onto the bed. – WTFFFFFFFFFFFF. Girl. Please do take an English course. It's every one IN A WHILE, not AND A WHILE, for goodness' sake. 6. “I think your forgetting why I’m uptight.” – Aaaahh, this book is killing me. D: Typical analphabet teenager talk. Too bad this is a book.. 7. “Laylen and Aislin. Their pulling the car around right now so we can get out of here.” - =[ Now I'm just sad. 8. “I already told you, we didn’t talking about anything really.” -*shoots herself* What is this? 9. Breath, I told myself. – And here comes the ‘breath’ again.. She really likes it doesn't she? 10. No one spoke. No one so much as utter a word. – First, you just said the same thing twice. Second, you even wrote it wrong. Jesus. And then the icing on the cake, ladies and gentlemen, our dear Jessica Sorensen comes back with one of our favorite hits.. I had to remind myself to breath. The breath has come back. Not to mention (I'm not done talking about writing) the vocabulary. Here's a line by Alex: “I just hadn’t pegged that about you.” And I was just like "peg? what the eff does that mean?" Now, I am italian so I do not pretend to know every little detail of the English language, but I am pretty sure "peg" is a word my grandpa would use (that is, if he was English/American/Canadian/Australian/whatever). And teenagers, let me tell you, don't talk like my granddad. (love you, grandpa.<3) And what about the accurate (meaning: repetitive) descriptions of Alex? Around page 200, for like the hundredth time, Jessica Sorensen goes like, “As much as I hated to admit it, the guy was gorgeous. Bright green eyes, dark hair, perfect lips.” And here I am pulling my hair off. Doesn't she know any other words? You want to say it another time? Produce a song, maybe? We can sing along. The guy's gorgeous, those his bright green eyes. Did we mention he's gorgeous? And he's got bright green eyes, too.. Pleeeease give us a break! Or at the least, CHANGE words! Want a list? Handsome, good-looking, HOT, one-night-stand worthy.. If I ever encounter this writer I think I will give her a synonyms dictionary. Random gift. Plus, I’m so sick of this kind of romances. The new hot guy in town? The girl who never likes anybody suddenly heels over head for him? I mean, OKAY, I CAN ACCEPT THAT, if it really helps the story, but it must have limits. Seriously, why does the female main character of these books ALWAYS HAVE TO BE A LOSER? WITH NO FRIENDS? God, it’s not even realistic after a while. And WHY, tell me WHY does she always have to be so lost over the hot guy, always sucking his last word and acting like she has no fucking attitude? (maybe 'cause they don't?) They’re just there at the complete mercy of these dudes they don’t even know a thing about. I mean, come on. Not to mention that I never really got what exactly it is that makes these hot dudes fall in love with such fucking morons. Girl who don't speak a word to you and can only drool on your shirts. What the fuck is wrong with you guys? And to think I was excited to read this book! Why is it always that when I’m eager to read a book, it nearly-every-time disappoints me? It’s frustrating. After all the books I’ve read, I though I had a pretty precise idea of what a total moron should be. You know, those girls who did stupid things though eventually they managed to get it right. Well, that was until now. Seriously, Gemma is the most DEFICIENT main character I’ve ever seen. I get it you don’t want to be THAT. But you fucking are, so put up with it! When Alex tells her to stay hidden, what does this idiot do? Of freaking COURSE, she tries to leave the room. And of course, a Death Walker is there waiting for her. How I would’ve loved if he’d just killed her right then! (And I'm not going to feel guilty about it. It's a book, after all, so I feel free to wish the death of a person as long as it's fictional u.u) So you’d think at least she’s learned the lesson. But no, course not. When Laylen tells her to stay hidden, what does she feels like doing? GOING TO HIM! “The most terrifying thing was the icicles hanging from the ceiling, long and pointy and sharp. The Death Walkers had to be close.” “Peeking out into the hall, I could see my breath rising in a cloud in front of me. Another bad sign.” Please kill her. Please kill her already. I can’t deal with such an idiot. You’ve got a bad sign, you’ve got two bad signs, people told you to stay hidden, the whole world depends on you, but of course with that selfish damaged brain of yours you do the heck you want!! WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK! GRR It was infuriating from beginning to end! Really! And then she dares say: “I made it about halfway when it occurred to me just how dumb of an idea this was. Why, you ask, was it a dumb idea? Well, because a Death Walker had suddenly appeared at the end of the hallway,” Don’t worry I wasn’t going to wonder that. I KNOW it was a dumb idea. And guess what, you’re even dumbest. God. “No. I couldn’t give up. Not with the fate of the world resting in my hands. Or inside me I should say. I had to save myself in order to save the world.” Maybe you should have thought that earlier instead of fucking doing the stupidest thing I’ve ever done. Another point, the total-loser-attitude she has with Alex. And how she’s got a billion of clues but still can’t put two and two together. Oh, and I think her motto is: “I don’t like him. I don’t. I swear. Oh, whatever.” She said that every. single. time. I get this author does not know a lot of synonyms, but it’d be nice if once in a while she didn’t just repeat the same things over and over and over again. I wanted to slap her every. single. minute. Not to mention Alex’s attitude. Always with this I’m-the-only-one-who-can-protect-Gemma complex, or his reproach in being near Laylen, or always trying to win the fight. You might have found him cute, but I just couldn’t bring myself to appreciate him. Okay, I think you’ve pretty much heard all the bad things I had to say about this book, which are anyway ALL I had to say about it, so don’t expect a high rate from me. Or even a decent one. But despite all this, there’s this part I most liked [or I’d say, the only one xD], so I guess we’re passing on the really short things-i-liked-from-the-book list: “I backed away from him. “Stay away from me.” He kept coming at me. “I’m not—” “Stay away from me!” I cried and took off in a mad sprint down the hall. I wasn’t sure if he followed me or not. I never checked. I stormed into the room that held my bag and locked the door. Then I threw myself on the bed and cried and cried and cried until I ran out of tears.” Why I like it? Because at least she’s finally resisting him instead of throwing herself on him and keep saying how “gorgeous, with those BRIGHT GREEN EYES, he is”. .__. Finally finally finally. And.. and.. the ending. That was so.. well, I surely didn’t expect that! I’m wondering what will happen. Yeah, I KNOW I’ve spent all the time it took me to read the book insulting it and telling how stupid it was, but still. I tend to be kind of an hypocrite sometimes, I admit it. But anyways, back to the ending. I mean, all the while, I was yelling at Gemma to say something like “By the way, Alex, before I can’t remember anything anymore, know that I hate you.” Now THAT would have been cool. Only she didn’t. Duh. I wasn’t really expecting that, consider how moronic she’s been throughout the whole book. So this is the only thing that could make me pass this book from one to two stars, and make me read the next in the series. I’m not gonna lie. As you’ve probably noticed, this book sucked for me. The story is original. That part I appreciated. But.. I don’t know. The main character really, really, REALLY was an idiot, and all those grammar mistakes.. It was a pain to read it. I don’t know. I’m conflicted. Guess I'll stick with two stars and pray the next book in the series is better. The ending did leave me wondering, after all.

Người đọc Ramesh Sangepu từ Seville VIC , Australia

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.