Becca Oberlander từ Pian Falzarego BL, Italy



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Becca Oberlander Sách lại (10)

2019-11-20 10:30

340 Bài Tập Tự Luận Và Trắc Nghiệm Đại Số 8 Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi:

** spoiler alert ** Teenagers face many problem it’s a part of life. Friends come and go, peer pressured to do drugs and drink. In this book “Go Ask Alice the author/character faced many problems. This chilling realistic story is very descriptive and heart breaking. Alice thought all the things an average teenager goes through, but one day she goes to a party where her life turns all around. In the next few paragraphs I will describe the turning points, also the conflicts and problems she faced. Alice first encounter with drugs was at a friend’s party where a bunch of school friends were. Someone at the party slipped a drug called LSD in her soda. That night Alice did things age never did in her life, like having sex with a random boy. I believe this was a major turning point, which caused her to go down hill. From that point Alice was addicted. One of the other conflicts was getting bad grades in school and losing her friends. Her friends in school had started to turn on her because of her dug addiction and her personality started to change as well. With that everything else around her started crashing. She would fight with her parents, and always run away, most teenagers can relate to fighting with their parents but Alice handled it a lot differently. All was facing she had to do it alone. At one point she stopped doing drugs and was doing good. It wasn’t until the baby-sitting incident that everyone that she was nuts. This caused her to break down and runaway. Where she went from living in an apartment with friends to living on the streets. Like I said teenagers go through a lot of peer pressure and problems. Unlike most teenagers Alice had a really harsh life and had many problems like drugs. After finally trying to clean up she went back home where later her parents find her dead, if you want to know how read the book. I thought that this was a great book and to get more details you should actually read the full book about Alice’s life and adventure. BANNED BOOK OPINION!! Throughout the years certain books were banned from libraries and school. Books are banned for different reason. I believe that books shouldn’t be banned for multiple reasons. I will speak about those reason in the following paragraph, I will also give examples as well. Books are banned for a lot of reasons. Some reasons are understandable and some are just darn right outrageous. The main reasons books are band are for talking about witchery, race, violence, sex, drugs, religion, and the truth. Your probably asking, the truth? Yes, books been banned for the telling the truth about what happens like the book and Origin of Species. Other examples of that book that were banned were the Harry Potter books because it talks about witchery. Books like that you would never think were banned on the other hand books like Go Ask Alice was banned for violence, sex, and, drugs. Books like hat are understandable. Another book that was banned was Candide that was banned for disrespecting the catholic religion. I believe that books should not be banned. Reading books teach you whether it vocabulary or learning from the characters mistakes. Movies aren’t banned they are just rated for certain age groups. That’s why I believe that they should put an age rand on books instead of just banning them altogether. Like I said before books are banned for many reasons whether it is ridiculous or for a good cause. I believe books should be put in age groups like movies, G, PG, and R. If people like me who don’t like reading were only with dual boring books because they were banned there would be a large majority of people who wouldn’t read. For these reason I believe that books no matter what they are about should be banned

2019-11-20 11:30

Tủ Sách Bách Khoa Tri Thức - Đội Khám Phá Nhí - Vương Quốc Thực Vật Kỳ Diệu Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi:

After years of hearing about this book, I was surprised to find it nothing like I had expected. For one thing, I had thought it was set in Victorian England. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was set in Regency England instead. It also encompassed Waterloo, one of my favorite subjects, although almost none of the descriptions had anything to do with the battle itself, but merely and accurately described the civilians in Brussels while the battles were occurring. However, the constant digressions and wandering off the story line frustrated me to such a degree that I cannot praise the writing. Early in the book, Thackeray claims that there is no hero while he appears to be setting Amelia up to be the heroine. Either his pen then ran away with him or he changed his mind because the majority of the book is about Becky. If he had combined Amelia and Becky into one character, taking the best of both, he might have created one great character. Instead he creates one heartless but talented adventuress and one insipid and foolish but tender and caring woman, either of whom could drive the reader crazy. As to there not being a hero, it is clear that there is one. William Dobbin is not the typical hero, perhaps, but he's the main thrust of the book nevertheless and by today's standards, he makes a perfectly adequate, if not inspired, hero. If Thackeray had just had a heartless editor who would have forced him to drop the digressions and stick to the story, the book would have been half as long and much better written.

Người đọc Becca Oberlander từ Pian Falzarego BL, Italy

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.