Sumuditha Krisantha từ Rosnay-l'Hôpital, France



Dữ liệu người dùng, đánh giá và đề xuất cho sách

Sumuditha Krisantha Sách lại (10)

2019-12-22 11:30

Lược Sử Thế Giới Bằng Tranh - Thời Cổ Đại (3500 TCN - 379) Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Kim Eun Sook

This was a facinating book that takes place beginning in 1933 with the first ambassador to Nazi Germany. It reads like a novel, but is in fact non-fiction and is hard to put down even though the history is well known. The footnotes are very interesting in that they include stories and happenings not included in the text - stories and jokes going about Germany at the time, etc. The author's research is astounding and I learned many details that I did not know. Ambassador Dodd seems out of step with the diplomacy of the time, in that he has no money, wants to live on his salary and wants embassy people to work full time instead of party hopping, golfing, spending money. Most diplomats of the time came to the position with wealth and were part of a "pretty good club". Dodd seems somewhat meek but that is hindsight on what Hitler became and Dodd's personal vision of his mission. He is a sympathetic character, being a professor, trying his best and being somewhat out of his element. In the end he recognizes the horror of Hitler and the Nazis when much of the world does not really want to listen. His daughter Martha was certainly not the usual diplomat's daughter. She saw herself as living on the edge, somewhat of a "grande dame" with a salon or hopes of a salon of important people of the time. She was promiscuous with lovers that were well known, Carl Sandburg, Thornton Wilder, a French prince, high placed Nazies, a Russian spy etc. etc. etc. A woman that in spite of many escapades was not that interesting and seemingly shallow. Could she stay out of bed! She was not a sympathetic character to me although I should remember she was quite young. However, she should have stayed home. The unfolding of the Nazi regime, how it took hold and the horror that finally dawned on the Dodd family is an excellent report of history - how Hitler came to power, how Germany embraced him and how the world empowered him by staying quiet is a powerful story that the author tells in nail biting, dramatic fashion. I kept thinking what will happen next even though history has recorded what did happen.

Người đọc Sumuditha Krisantha từ Rosnay-l'Hôpital, France

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.