Moataz Samer từ Ardouz, Morocco



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Moataz Samer Sách lại (10)

2019-12-31 21:31

Phút Nhìn Lại Mình (Tái Bản 2016) Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi:

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single girl of high standing at Loungbourn Academy must be in want of a prom date. Lizzie Bennett attends the prestigious Loungbourn Academy as a scholarship student and is therefore mostly shunned by the students. The only girls who are nice to her are Charlotte, the other scholarship student in her grade, and Jane, her kindhearted roommate. Prom is the topic of choice this year, and most girls are hoping to find a date among the boys at the nearby Pemberley Academy. Lizzie endures all the prom chatter, although her mind is on other things, such as her job at the coffee shop and her piano playing. She puts up with the pompous Will Darcy for Jane's sake so Jane can hang out with Charles Bingley, but she much prefers the charming Wick, who was kicked out of Pemberley and who, like Lizzie, doesn't come from a family that is rolling in riches. But Darcy might not be nearly as bad as Lizzie thinks, and maybe she is the prejudiced one after all. There is no excuse for me liking this book as much as I did. But I truly thought it was a brilliant modernization of Pride and Prejudice - and not only did it bring P&P into the modern world, but it put it in the world of high schoolers, which ended up being quite appropriate. The whole thing is so cleverly done, from the inclusion of all the main characters from Austen's novel to the basic premise of the story. Honestly, the book had me from the first sentence. I loved that the goal for the girls here was a date for prom and not marriage - really, the frenzy over catching a husband experienced by the girls in Austen's novel translates very well into the frenzy these high school girls went through in their search for a prom date. I loved that Eulberg didn't just translate Austen's novel directly into the modern world but played with the story a bit and made it her own - it works wonderfully well while still being true to the spirit of Austen's novel. This is one of the best Austen take-offs I have read. It was an absolutely delightful read, and I will definitely be recommending it to my fellow Jane Austen fans and looking for other books by this author.

2019-12-31 23:31

Max Và Quả Bóng Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Barbro Lindgren & Eva Eriksson

Heading toward the lighthouse keeper's cottage, Olivia felt a tightness in her chest. Something was wrong. At the same moment she felt that sharp stab of fear. The beam of the flashlight sought out a darker patch of black in the shadow cast by the cottage. Olivia's heart nearly stopped. She broke into a run, her legs moving with agonizing slowness over the sand..." A Killer Plot by Ellery Adams takes us to the small coastal town of Oyster Bay, North Carolina, where the townsfolk are curious, the beaches are beautiful and everyone seems to have an interest in poetry. Still haunted by her past, Olivia Limoges returns to her hometown of Oyster Bay with her lovingly adorable poodle, Captain Haviland. Although Olivia is considered a mystery to the locals, her family history is well known and Olivia can't seem to get past the gossip that surrounds her family. She's beautiful, wealthy and owns the local five-star restaurant in town, as well as other local properties that have left her the landlord to many of the townsfolk. While having breakfast at a local diner, she eavesdrops on a conversation being had by a local group of community writers. After discussing her own work in progress with her friend, Dixie, a fun loving waitress on roller skates, Olivia takes a chance and speaks to the leader of the Bayside Book Writers club, the openly flamboyant Camden Ford, and makes plans for the meetings to be held weekly at the lighthouse keeper's cottage on her property. The group seems to make an instant connection and things seem to be working out well for Olivia until Camden doesn't show for their weekly meeting on the evening they are supposed to be critiquing a chapter in his novel. With his whereabouts known to one of the members, the Bayside Book Writers go out in search of Camden in the hopes of finding out why he has decided to ditch the critique, and more importantly, why he is frequenting the trashiest bar in town. Not only do they find Camden murdered in the alley behind the bar, they find a haiku poem left with his body. Being familiar with such things, the Bayside Book Writers team up with local law enforcement (sort of), and set out to find the reasons and person(s) responsible for Camden's death. The possibilities seem endless when the Bayside Book Writers discover, individually and collectively, that Camden's novel surrounds the private life of the high-powered Talbot family and that the Talbot family is working very hard to secure a massive piece of property in Oyster Bay. Soon the town of Oyster Bay is besieged with fear when another body is found with a haiku poem and both Olivia and Captain Haviland are being warned to stop their investigation. That's right; I said Olivia and her poodle, Captain Haviland, are warned to stop their investigation. A Killer Plot by Ellery Adams is another cozy mystery with a steady pace and lovable characters living in a setting that will leave you breathless. What I loved most about the book was the inside look at the struggles and frustrations writers apparently have while writing novels. Watching this group of writers work together to help everyone succeed in their goals reminded me of my twitter family; a group of authors that I love dearly. It also made me thankful that they have each other to rely on for support and instruction.

Người đọc Moataz Samer từ Ardouz, Morocco

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.