Bob Craig từ Pha Tong, Tha Wang Pha District, Nan, Thailand



Dữ liệu người dùng, đánh giá và đề xuất cho sách

Bob Craig Sách lại (10)

2020-01-20 00:30

Công Ty (Tái Bản) Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Phan Hồn Nhiên

THE ONE-STOP HOUSING SHOP REFERENCER A review by Phillip Taylor MBE Recession or no recession, this is a book that has been desperately needed for a long time. Its publication by the Legal Action Group is a welcome development, especially in view of the current rampant rate of home repossessions. Whether you are a practitioner, or an adviser, you’ll come to regard this book as a very valuable and eventually, a very well thumbed reference indeed to go with the other works which LAG have published including the Housing Law Casebook. Originally, as Astin points out, the aim of housing law was to help people get, improve and keep homes. Whether in the private or public sectors, the aim still prevails and is applicable to rented or purchased properties alike. Certainly the breadth and complexity of the changes that have been taking place in housing law, even during the past two decades, now require a depth as well as a breadth of knowledge on the part of advisers if they wish to reliably advise. The practitioners must use community care law for the benefit of the client; must be familiar with the different types of occupation rights, the statutory rights of tenants and the different kinds of tenancy, plus a demonstrate a grasp of immigration law and the application to housing law of human rights. A subject of such complexity and scope requires no less than several volumes, but, as Astin explained at the launch, she has endeavoured to give sufficient attention to those areas of housing law which, in her experience, the housing adviser will regularly encounter. As a solicitor and specialist in housing law, Diane Astin knows whereof she speaks, as a trainer and lecturer in housing law, community care and asylum support for the Legal Action Group and a number of other leading organisations, including Shelter, Carers UK and the Refugee Council. She comes over as a person who really knows her subject and can put it across to both lay people and professionals- and I loved her cat on the mat by the green door! The ethos of the book is heartening, being both practical and compassionate, and its scholarship is formidable. Covering all the basic aspects of housing law, it focuses on the common problems advisers must face, from court proceedings and the tactics of running a case, to challenging decisions and seeking remedies. “Housing Law” comprehensively surveys all the major areas of housing law from occupiers’ rights, to defending possession claims, to housing benefit, to challenging decisions by public bodies...and of course, much more. Aptly sub-titled ‘an adviser’s handbook’, it fits in nicely with the other titles which LAG have published and it’s ideal for those new to housing law as well as experienced practitioners who will welcome its clear and accessible approach to this diverse and complex subject- it is the on-stop housing shop referencer for all...thank you Diane.

Người đọc Bob Craig từ Pha Tong, Tha Wang Pha District, Nan, Thailand

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.