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Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Hamlet Trương
A Housekeeper and single mother, and her 10 year-old son, learn the beauty of math, baseball - and of the peace that can be found in the micro - from a mathematician who has been damaged in a car accident and can only recall the last 80 minutes. The Professor relearns, each day, the joy of family. Beautifully written, and much deeper than the pace and action (what little there is) would seem to indicate. Like McCarthy's "The Road", none of the characters are named ("Root is a nickname), as the author dispenses with much to give clarity to the relationships. Additionally, several larger, juicier plot points are dealt with in a subtle fashion, allowing them to provide texture but not to take over the book (The relationship between the Professor and his Sister-in-Law, the relationship between the Housekeeper and Root's father). As the Professor says - "External truths are ultimately invisible, and you wont find them in material things or natural phenomena, or even in human emotions. Mathematics, however, can illuminate them, can give them expression-in fact, nothing can prevent them from doing so." Mathematics as Zen tool? The author has pulled off a great feat, as a book that contains a lot of cold, hard math is really the warmest, gentlest, engaging read. Brilliant - Don't let the Math scare you.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Patrick Hollingworth
vivid characters...excellent read. Great Author
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Hy Nguyễn
Sách được viết bởi Bởi:
I'm not a strict dystopian fiction lover, but this book was recommended by daughter and she knows how picky I am and my taste in books. The book came with a label, "If you like the Hunger Games, you'll love this book more". I think this book does live up to that label and deserves a 4.5. I love the story...quite unique in a way. In the story, all teens, when they turn 16, need to select a faction out of five where they will serve and live for the rest of their lives. In a perfect world, they would choose the faction where they're born into and make their parents very happy. Unfortunately, the choice is not quite as simple, and they still have to go through an initiation/training period to see if they truly belong. The 5 factions are: bravery, honesty, knowledge, selflessness and peace. The heroine, Tris, was faced with this situation in this first book of a trilogy. The romance between Tris and Four is what I think Roth did a great job on. We could sense the delicate relationship before its start, feel it as it starts to bloom and cheer when they are finally together. The descriptions were intricate, lovely and in depth, unlike the Hunger Games, where the story basically began with the relationships already in place. If this is Roth's first book, then she did an amazing job with narration and pacing. Except for the first few chapters where the background information was introduced, I did not find any part of her book boring or slow. The pacing was perfect with just enough excitement to keep me reading, and reading. I absolutely love the Fear Chamber, what a great invention. Weakness? I find the supporting characters a little flat. I do remember Tris' Mom and Al...but the rest, I think I've forgotten them already, names and traits both.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Nhiều tác giả
Good book, hard to read at times, but so well done.
there wasn't really anything wrong with this book; I just didn't get into it. I liked the themes and characters, but after 50 or so pages I just put it down and didn't pick it up again.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Vương Quyên
Bu yorum aynı zamanda Romancekolikte yayınlanmıştır. Kesinlikle çok güzel bir kitap, her açıdan. Hikayesi ilginç, karakterleri O çok gördüğümüz kusursuzlardan değil. En azından bu kızımız için geçerli. Ben kitaptaki Mick'in başlardaki konuşma tavrına o pervasız ve bir o kadarda muzur hareketlerine çok güldüm. Hele kızımızın erkeklerle deneyimi sıfır olması ve bu adamı ne yapacağını bilememez halleri haliyle güldürüyor. Yazar ın anlatımını ayrıca sevdim. Kesinlikle kitap akıp gidiyor. Çoğu kez dile getirilen cinsellik açısından da kitap gayet ölçülü. Yani herkesin okuyabileceği bir kitap.Fareli köyün kavalcısının nağmelerine insanlar nasıl kapılıyorsa kızımızda Mick e öyle kapıldığını anlatanan çok hoş bir hikaye. İddia bazen çok gerçekçi olabiliyor... Kitabı biraz anlatıyım: Oğlumuz Mick bir fare avcısıdır. Geçimini bu işten kazanıyordur. Bir terzi dükkanında fare yakalarken hayatında gördüğü en güzel bacakları sahip bir kadına rastlar. E tabi bacaklarını yere eğilirken kabinin açıklığından bir süre dikizler. Kızımız fare ortaya çıkmadan önce kabinde giyiniyordur. Mick te bundan istafede ederek görüntünün tadını çıkarır. Sonra hanımların sabırsızlığı üzerine işine döner ve fareyi yakalar. Zira geri dönene kadar hayatında gördüğü en uzun ve güzel bacaklı kadın gitmiştir. Terzi yamağının sarkıntılık yapıp gömleklerini çıkarması ve bütün ailesinin ırz düşmanı diye Mick in peşine düşmesi üzerine kovalamaca başlar. Edwina bir dilbilimcidir. Terziden sonra çay içmek için girdiği bir kafeye gömleğinin düğmeleri kopuk pantolonun bir düğmesi açık deli gibi koşuşturan bir adam girince bütün ilgisi bu şamataya çekilir. Adamın konuşma aksanı kızı çok çekmiştir. Adamın konuştuğunu anlamadıklarından herkes ona saldırma çabasındandır. En sonunda şamata biter ve kızımız oğlana tercümanlık eder. İki beyefendi bütün masrafları öder ve sorun çözülür yalnız bu beyefendiler iddiaya girmeye meraklıdırlar. Edwina 'nın bu adamı 5 haftada bir vikont gibi konuşan davranan ve giyinen bir adama dönüştürebileceğine dair iddiaya girerler. Ve 5 hafta sonunda Mick gelişimini Edwina nın kuzeni olan Dük'ün balosunda kanıtlanıcaktır. Ama iddialar bazen çok gerçekçi olabilir :)
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Nguyễn Cảnh Bình
I enjoyed this book for many reasons: the female friendship, the education about Afghan history and the element of hope at the ending.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Thích Hạnh Nguyện
Occasionally, I steal books from my son's bookshelf and this was one of them. This is the first in the Alex Rider series, a 14-year-old spy for the British government. It was good and I certainly could see why the series is so popular. So popular, I read books two and three at the library, but can't seem to get book four. All checked out and with numerous holds. Darn kids. Why can't they leave some copies for us grown-ups?
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Thiển Đạm Ngữ
WOW! I can 't believe all of the terrible reviews on this book. I thought it was GREAT! I have read all 5 of the books and I can NOT wait for the 6th to come out. I am pretty darn close to liking this series better than the Twilight series.
Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.