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its an awsome book about a boy whos parents die and he runs away and ends up jumping on a train, but not just any tian, its not just any train its a curcius trian. nowe the boy has to work for the curcius and stand up for his own
The fact that I read the entire 1000+ pages of this book does let you know that it was interesting and written in such a way that helps the reader not get bogged down. Gary Gilmore's story, I assume most of it is fairly accurate, is really interesting. Likewise, I found the legal battle over capital punishment and whether or not the person on death row has a right to be executed really interesting. However, I got tired of all of the detail about the media battle over the rights to Gilmore's story. I'm sure it was fascinating to some, but to me it was too much. Still, if you're interested in "true crime," it is worth it. If you're interested in the history of the death penalty, you won't get much here except for the detailed account of Gary Gilmore's execution, which was the first execution after the Supreme Court ceased the moratorium on the death penalty. And while you'll read about the lawyers involved, you'll only get the basics of their arguments.
A wonderful mix of food, love and magic in a small town, Garden Spells is a book about recognizing your fate and seeing the love that's in front of you. Smooth and readable, with wonderful characters, it goes down like a plateful of your favorite goodies.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Takashi Ishii
Very funny book (by a local author) about her coming to terms with her and her husband's divergent libidos. My favorite scene involves chocolate icing, a blow job and Al Jolson.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Linh Rab
Celestial Heat a tale of reunited affair of two cross star lovers. Ali Atwood’s did a great job of mixing Science Fiction and magic. The story overall was well put together. I loved the chemistry between Feyna and DeSardon. Science Fiction readers is book is for you. Reviewed by samuel DIVA RATING:3 Divas HEAT RATING: Spark Link:http://www.deviantdivaseroticbookrevi...
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Phùng Văn Hòa
Enjoyed this, lots of surprises. My only complaint it that it read like a book in the middle of the series, which is it, but I don't enjoy that feel when reading.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Simon Sebag Montefiore
A bit of warning: Guy Gavriel Kay is only my most favorite author in the entire world. Given how many different authors I admire and follow, that's a pretty big honor for me to bestow. His novels evoke a certain range of emotions that no other author has ever been able to achieve, and without a doubt makes it impossible for me to honestly critique any of his books' weaknesses. Ysabel is no different, and if you take one thing from this review, it's that you should read it. Now. Kay has mostly written historical fantasy books; he chooses a historical conflict or time period and then weaves a fantasy novel out of his lengthy research. Sometimes the 'fantasy' tag indicates the use of mystical elements, and other times it simply allows him to twist fact into fiction without being admonished for being historically inaccurate. Ysabel is a slight departure from this; the historical elements smash head-first into modern-day France when 15-year-old Ned stumbles upon a 2,500-year-old love triangle. Ysabel is written very informally and much more simply compared to Kay's previous novels. This is due to the main character being a teenage boy, as well as the fact that it takes place in a modern setting and has a far less epic scope than his other books. I had some problems with the dialogue feeling a little forced and insincere in a few places (most notably when large groups of characters were talking with each other), but for the most part, it still retains the elegance of Kay's voice. The only word I can summon to describe his prose is "beautiful," as trite as that might be. One of the touches that Kay adds to his novels are the subtle "grace notes" that nod to his past works and suggest that his stories are all part of a shared history of one world. I'd been wondering how he was going to do that in Ysabel, since it clearly takes place in our world, not a world where there are two moons in the sky. To my surprise, Ysabel is nearly a coda to one of his earlier books. As I was reading, I started musing to myself, "Why is Kay re-using character names? This is only his tenth book, he has plenty of names to pick from." At one point, the realization struck me rather forcefully that the name was not being reused, and was in fact referring to the same character. Ysabel is still a fully stand-alone novel, and can be understood and appreciated without reading any of Kay's other works, but knowing the history of the reused characters makes it even deeper. For those who haven't read Kay's other novels, this untold back story simply folds into another of the author's signature touches: the hints that there is far more to the world than the current story can show. It's as if Kay is saying, "There are many, many stories in this world, and they often collide with each other, but this is the one I'm telling right now." This is illustrated in Ysabel, particularly when the members of the love triangle insist repeatedly, "This is only about the three of us," while everyone else replies, "No, it's not." There are many things in Ysabel that are left untold and unexplained, but it's done purposely and leaves the reader imagining those stories as he or she feels they might be told. I always feel depressed when I reach the end of a brand new Kay book far too quickly and realize I have roughly a three-year wait until the next one. At the same time, I'm thankful that he doesn't crank them out at the high frequency that publishers often demand when the author is a mainstream hit who guarantees massive sales. I highly, highly recommend any of his books, although Ysabel might be the best starting point for a Kay newbie, since its prose is the least dense out of all of them.
Typical Koontz. Not much originality. Not one of his best.
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Rahul Singhal & Xact Team
4.5 stars really. I loved this book & can't wait to read the follow up!
Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Peggy McColl
Gara2 baca ebook yang The Princess, jadi penasaran ama lanjutan kisahnya Putri Sultana. Cm karna ga nemu ebooknya, yaa.. akhirnya waktu ke Gramedia kmrn beli juga buku lanjutannya. Ceritanya masih seputar kehidupan Sultana, tapi kali ini agak lebih fokus ke anak-anaknya, dan wanita-wanita disekeliling Sultana. Tentang Maha, putri tertua Sultana yang sifatnya sangat keras, dan iri hati terhadap saudara laki-lakinya, Abdullah. Sampai tega mau membakar Abdullah, untung Abdullah ga terluka, dan Maha cepat di bawa ke psikiater, dan akhirnya diketahui pula kalau Maha ternyata salah pergaulan. Dia dan sahabatnya ternyata pecinta sesama jenis. Betapa terkejutnya Sultana dan Karim, anak yang mereka cintai gak cuma menderita sakit kejiwaan, tapi juga pecinta sesama jenis.. Tapi berkat perawatan medis akhirnya Maha bisa sembuh total dan sifat kerasnya pun bisa melunak.. Ada lagi kisah Amani, putri bungsu Sultana. Sebenarnya dia anak yang normal, lemah-lembut, penyayang binatang, sampai tiba2 Amani berubah sikap.. Dia jadi terlalu fanatik pada agamanya. Sikapnya jadi keras jika dia melihat hal2 yang diluar keyakinannya, suka menasehati dan menceramahi orang lain soal agama, memaksa orang lain untuk mengerti jalan pikirannya, dan bahkan sampai menganggap dirinya 'utusan Tuhan'. Sampai akhir buku sih belum diceritain gimana akhir kisah Amani ini. Mungkin dibuku ketiga ntar ada penjelasan lebih detail tentang Amani. Selain cerita anak2nya Sultana, ada juga kisah wanita2 disekeliling Sultana lainnya, seperti cerita kakaknya Sultana yang diperkosa dan dilecehkan secara seksual oleh suaminya sendiri karna menolak buat berhubungan suami istri karna sedang haid, ada pula kisah cinta dua sejoli yang berbeda derajat dan status, yang hubungannya tdk direstui orang tua si perempuan, sampai diwarnai kawin lari segala, tapi akhirnya happy ending juga.. Menurut aku kisah yang paling miris waktu salah satu pembantunya Sultana nyeritain kalau cucu perempuannya mau disunat, jujur agak nggak kebayang waktu bacanya, kalo dr film2 kan cowok yg biasa disunat, ini kok perempuan? Dan ternyata akibat disunat ini, nantinya si perempuan bakal kesulitan dan mengalami kesakitan yang hebat pada saat melakukan hubungan suami istri, bahkan bisa pendarahan. Kasian kan, cuma gara2 adat istiadat yang kuno, yang gak jelas peraturannya dr mana, si anak perempuan tsb bakal menderita seumur hidup dia? Katanya lagi menurut dokter sunat ini bahkan sangat TIDAK DIANJURKAN. Karna menyimpang banget dan bisa menimbulkan penyakit2 tertentu.. Tapi tetep aja ada yang nekad nerusin tradisi ini.. Wehh.. Tokoh yg paling aku suka dibuku ini adalah Abdullah, anak laki-lakinya Sultana. Orangnya baik, penyayang, dan murah hati. Walaupun dia cowok, dia gak otoriter sama saudara2 perempuannya. Malah dia peduli. Gak kaya kakaknya Sultana, si Faruq yang egois, arogan, dan semau gue. Penasaran pengen cepet2 lanjut ke buku ke 3. Tapi berhubung bukunya belom ditangan, yah..sabar dulu deh.. 4 bintang buat buku ini..
Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.