Miguel Vilela từ Pian della Breccia VT, Italy



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Miguel Vilela Sách lại (10)

2019-05-29 17:31

Truyện Cổ Tích Việt Nam - Sự Tích Con Sư Tử Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi:

I encountered this information through a management class at my workplace, and found so much value in it, that I purchased the book. What's included: a writeup for each of the 34 strengths, including action plan items, examples, and advice for people working with/managing individuals with each strength, as well as a one-time use code for you to take the Strengthsfinder assessment online. Once you take the test online, you get a special report which outlines what it means for you to have the 5 strengths that you have, in order, together. This is the "2.0" report that is new and improved (apparently) from the original, which I never took, so I can't speak to this book's value if you had already read/taken that one. I wasn't sure when I first signed up for this class, that it would be valuable. And even after first taking the test, I wasn't sure I agreed with much it. But the more I have reflected on it, the more I have found it to be a true and useful assessment of my own strengths and inclinations. This has been helpful for me, both professionally, and personally. I really bought this so my husband could take the test, and again, it was a little uncanny how well it pegged him after he took the test. So, it's interesting and enjoyable and as with most "management" type books - what you get out of it is directly related to what you put into it.

2019-05-29 20:31

Thanh Thảo Chuyện... Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Thanh Thảo

I bought this book when I went with my mother to go hear Sue Monk Kidd speak. Let me tell you, she speaks as eloquently as she writes. She's also just as witty. After hearing her speak, I realized that a lot of her personality comes through in her writing. Her amazing writing. She spoke of how she felt The Mermaid Chair was going to be often compared to The Secret Life of Bees and maybe wouldn't be able to live up to the high praise it's earned so far. She also worried about the characters being too similar. I don't think Sue has anything to worry about. The only thing the two books have in common is the author's writing... a beautiful, flowing and engaging style. I think I like Sue's style so much because it has the right amount of description for things, her dialogue is realistic, and when you think about it her stories seem so outlandish, but when reading it you can see it actually happening. Her writing is also very eloquent and deep, but fun and witty at the same time. There are no characters in The Mermaid Chair that are reminiscent of any in The Secret Life of Bees, and specifically what Kidd was worried about was people might roll there eyes at another pack of strong female characters taking presidence in the book. I didn't and don't see any problem in that. We need as many strong literary female characters as we can get. And these women, that you grow to love, are as strong as they come. The way the love story was written out was also so wonderful. You find yourself feeling for Jessie's dilemna of being in love with two men. Kidd doesn't write it so you're leaning towards one man over the other (well, you may be, but it's honestly hard to choose) because both men are so likeable and good-looking and genuinely care for Jessie. And though Hugh is the only one painted as having any flaws, they're pointed out to us by Jessie who, after twenty years of marriage, has come to find some things he does annoying, which she later comes to realize (and we know) are more endearing. Personally, I liked The Secret Life of Bees over The Mermaid Chair because I just found that one more interesting... but The Mermaid Chair was just as engaging and well-written as it's predecessor. It's really up to you to choose which one you like better. The Mermaid Chair definitely holds it's own.

Người đọc Miguel Vilela từ Pian della Breccia VT, Italy

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.