Alina Belousova từ Nizhniy Begenyash, Respublika Bashkortostan, Russia



Dữ liệu người dùng, đánh giá và đề xuất cho sách

Alina Belousova Sách lại (10)

2019-06-11 14:30

Địa Lý Ngũ Quyết Toàn thư - 3 Năm Tầm Long, 10 Năm Điểm Huyệt Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Triệu Cửu Phong (Đời Thanh)

I had started and re-started this book a couple of times. I don't know what turned me away from it the first few times. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy the narrative, or that the content wasn't something I was interested in. I love zombies! And this is a take on zombies that you don't see very often: how real-world politics or nations might handle such an international crisis. I've been trying to figure out why it was sometimes a slow read for me, and why I didn't feel compelled the first time. It wasn't because the stories got repetitive. They each had their own feel to them, and the different sections of the book definitely added new puzzle pieces to the story each time. But I think that it's because I'm not a history buff, nor am I very knowledgeable about 20th century political conflicts, especially when it comes to regions that I was just never taught about sufficiently in school (read: The Middle East, China, and South America). So, when it came to parts where history mattered to a particular person's story, I just kind of felt... dumb? This isn't saying that this book should take a hit for my inability to know important parts of history, but it is a reason why I think this book might be a slow read for some people, or why it is not compelling during parts. I do have a lot of good things to say about this book. Although none of the characters really caught my attention on that deep level (I didn't take away feelings of deep sorrow or happiness from any one character's problems or victories), the stories weaved through each other in ways that I think is hard to do. Especially when you consider the fact that, in the world of this novel, none of the characters really interacted, save a couple. That's pretty amazing to me. I was convinced, while reading the stories, of the gravity and utterly horrifying situation that the book is set in. World War Z is a must-read, especially for history lovers and zombie nerds.

2019-06-11 21:30

Bí Mật Tư Duy Triệu Phú - Giàu Có Nhờ Luật Hấp Dẫn Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi:

Untaian kata yang dirajut oleh Rendra bak sihir yang mempesona pembaca dan pendengarnya. Halah, apa pula ini. Mencoba merangkai kalimat indah tapi kok ya jadi agak aneh sendiri, serasa di tiap kalimat yang coba kususun itu selalu bermunculan bunga-bunga (fantasy mode on). Aku termasuk orang yang awam puisi yang hanya sedikit bisa membalas kiriman sms pantun othak-athik gathuk kalau nggak dikatakan maksa nyambung dari seorang teman ala orang sales yang lagi stress. Leading sementara di akhir minggu ke-3 dalam kondisi the best from the worst: Mr. X : Mangan ketan dicampur coffemix Wong Kalimantan memang ciamix Ms. Y: Mangan ketan ngombene wedang jahe Wong Kalimantan pastine pecah ndase Mr.X : Jalan-jalan beli benang, belinya di jalan ngawi Biarpun kelihatan mau jadi pemenang, tetapi tetap rendah hati Ms. Y : Tanam bunga di pot pekarangan Team Semarang suka ngepot di tikungan Proses breakdawn target baru : Mr. X : Sayur kangkung dimasak plecing Mbah kakung (bos) lagi pusing Ms. Y : Naik jukung nggak pakai bensin Jadi mbah kakung ya harus berani pusing Tengkyu Mr. X, kau telah membuat situasi stress jadi ceria :D Beda sekali kan dengan cara Rendra menggambarkan situasi miris tentang kelaparan, sungguh sangat indah... O Allah! Kelaparan adalah burung gagak Jutaan burung gagak bagai awan yang hitam menghalang pandangku ke sorgaMu! Balik lagi ke puisi-puisi Rendra, setelah puisi Jokpin ini adalah kumpulan puisi yang cukup bisa aku nikmati bukan untuk kumengerti dan tafsiri. Membacanya serasa menekuri sejarah hidup Rendra dalam suka dan duka, menikmati pemberontakannya terhadap berbagai persoalan yang ada disekitarnya, mengikuti pengembaraannya ke berbagai negara dan pelosok nusantara termasuk juga menyelami sisi romantis dan religinya. Pokoknya aku suka… Suka aku pokoknya… Aku pokoknya suka… Suka pokoknya aku… Pokoknya suka aku… Loh…kok artinya jadi lain ya? :D Katanya, kata-kata yang dibolak balik bolak yang datangnya dari seorang puisioner (sengaja bikin istilah sendiri, karena nggak paham istilah-istilah sastra) adalah puisi yang sangat indah dan memiliki kedalaman makna yang hanya bisa diterjemahkan oleh orang-orang dengan kedalaman ‘ilmu sastra’ tingkat tinggi. Dan punyaku? Jelas tak bermakna hehehe… Dunia puisi tetaplah ‘dunia lain’ buatku…..

Người đọc Alina Belousova từ Nizhniy Begenyash, Respublika Bashkortostan, Russia

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.