Lorenzo Lanfranconi từ Nancy-sur-Cluses, France



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Lorenzo Lanfranconi Sách lại (10)

2019-06-09 17:30

Bộ Sách Kỷ Niệm 120 Năm Ngày Sinh Chủ Tịch Hồ Chí Minh - Cốt Cách Hồ Chí Minh Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Trần Đương

(Firstly I'd like to apologize for all the whining about annoying characters... But I promise, I did enjoy the book, and I do recommend it! :D ) I enjoyed Flawless. It wasn't the best book in the world, but it was definitely an enjoyable, quick, fun read about friendship and relationships. Sarah Burke has a big nose. She's learnt to deal with it though, and she keeps pushing away the plastic surgery leaflets her mother has 'hidden' around the house. That is, until she meets Rock. He's funny, he's nice, AND he's intelligent. So he's perfect for Sarah, isn't he? Well, yes, but nothing can ever happen between them because Sarah has promised her best friend Kristen that she will help her get Rock. So Sarah is forced to choose between what she thinks is the right thing to do, and what is best for her. Her loyalties are stretched to the limit, so who will she choose? Rock, or Kristen? I liked Sarah, though at times she really annoyed me. She couldn't stand up for herself at all, and to be honest, I thought she needed to grow a backbone. I get that she was extremely loyal to Kristen, and that she didn't feel she could stand up to her, but if Kristen was truly an awesome friend, she would at least listen to what Sarah had to say, and maybe even realise how much Sarah liked Rock. I thought that Sarah writing emails to Rock as Kristen was more than a little weird, and it just made me wonder why she did it. I mean, if I had the hots for a guy, and my best friend wanted me to use my incredible writing skills to tease him into thinking she was clever, I would totally say no. Maybe I'm not that great a friend, but I just couldn't see myself doing it... And Rock was weird. It was obvious that while he liked Kristen, he liked Sarah more, and I felt like he should have at least told Kristen his feelings about Sarah before they started dating. I think he should have been more involved in his and Kristen's relationship, I couldn't help but feel that their whole relationship was one-sided, and Rock wasn't putting much effort in. And lastly about Rock, I think he has an... odd, name. Honestly, I don't like it. And I understand that it's a retelling of a classic, but couldn't Lara have called him something else... :/ And my last complaint, is Kristen. I thought she was shallow and a bit of a rubbish friend. I don't know, maybe that was how I was meant to feel, but I don't think forcing her best friend by pulling the 'I'd do it for you...' card to get a boy to like you, is my idea of being a good friend. I'm sorry I'm so opinionated about this, but I've had a lot of friendship issues in the past and I've had time to contemplate what makes a good friend. And this book made me think about it even more. However, as you probably can't tell from this review, I did enjoy the book. I enjoyed reading about the characters, even if I didn't like them, and I enjoyed the plot line. I couldn't see how Sarah was going to get out of helping Kristen; I knew it was going to happen, but I wasn't sure when or how. Once it was revealed though, it made perfect sense and I thought it made a great ending. Flawless is a very good debut novel from Chapman, and I enjoyed the normal-ness of the story, and I could really imagine it taking place in a real American high school. I would recommend it to fans of the contemporary genre, and people who need a quick, fun read.

2019-06-10 01:30

Tiếng Chim Đầu Tiên Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn

Sách được viết bởi Bởi: Cẩm Thơ

Science: A Four Thousand Year History is an unconventional take on the history of science. Unlike conventional histories, Patricia Fara, tries to debunk scientists and their achievements rather than celebrating them as heroic genusis in pursuit of reality. She Frequently emphasizes where notable figures were wrong or misguided and how their discoveries often involved luck or methods no longer accepted as scientific, often sitting in judgment of what contemporary prejudices colored scientific findings and ideas. Fara never discounts their ideas wholesale, but comes close on several occasions, especially if they come into conflict with our modern social norms and the feminist movement. She stresses how science is fallible and subject to personal, political, and material pressures. In an effort to destroy the picturesque ideal of mostly European lone scientific genius making great discoveries isolated in their laboratories Fara traces the origins of science to several sources now thought of as magical or unscientific, such as concepts and techniques rooted in astrology and alchemy. Artisans and technicians, not just canonical philosophers and "scientists," have always been important contributors, she points out. She reminds us, too, that amateur observers and collectors have long played significant roles. These observations and many others along the same lines are not particularly controversial or surprising. Fara tries too hard at times to bolster the importance of minor figures, especially women, doing fairly mundane things that were important to scientific discoveries to the point that it feels like she would rather fore sack what the discoveries have given us as a society to build up minor role players to make up for a slight of history. It is very substantive, thought-provoking, and briskly-paced. In support of the main themes Fara has interesting things to say about science and religion, non-Western contributions (with noticeable omissions; Rome, per-Colombian Americas, India), the contributions of women, the roles of scientific institutions, and many other important related subjects.

Người đọc Lorenzo Lanfranconi từ Nancy-sur-Cluses, France

Người dùng coi những cuốn sách này là thú vị nhất trong năm 2017-2018, ban biên tập của cổng thông tin "Thư viện Sách hướng dẫn" khuyến cáo rằng tất cả các độc giả sẽ làm quen với văn học này.