Khéo Tay Hay Làm - Công Viên Kỷ Jura Bởi Nhiều Tác Giả
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Khéo Tay Hay Làm - Công Viên Kỷ Jura chi tiết
- Nhà xuất bản: NXB Thanh Niên, Đinh Tị
- Ngày xuất bản:
- Che: Bìa mềm.
- Ngôn ngữ:
- ISBN-10:
- ISBN-13:
- Kích thước: 21 x 28.5cm.
- Cân nặng: 280 gr
- Trang:
- Loạt:
- Cấp:
- Tuổi tác:
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Khéo Tay Hay Làm - Công Viên Kỷ Jura Sách lại
Rene Morris remorris — Review to come soon...
сухраб байганалиев sukhrabbai57b5 — Not quite typical of the Bradbury writings, but extremely enjoyable nonetheless.
Barbara Rodriguez barbara2712 — I loved this book! I love that it's written in dialect. I'm a mostly-auditory learner, and when I read, there is a voice in my head saying the words. I could hear these three women--two black, one white, each with her own voice. I love good historical fiction. I love complex characters with layers to peel away and peel again. I hate that the events portrayed in this book represent a real, devastating part of our nation's history, but I love the way the women in this book learned to see things through one another's eyes, were brave enough to trust one another, to tell their stories. Kathryn Stockett created some genuinely lovable characters, and a couple that you'd love to see locked up somewhere! In the middle are the women who show glimmers of bravery, and alternately glimmers of cowardice--real, everyday people. I read this book in one day. My kids are 5, 3, and 1 and I'm already asking myself how old they have to be to read it. (Because of one scary indecent scene and a portrayal of spousal abuse, as well as some strong language, I think we'll wait for high school). But I will be reading this again before then!
Asyraf Mustapa asyraf_mustapa — Enjoyed the book. I have read it a number of times. Even read it to my children when they were younger.
Damián Navarro dnavarromendez — Graphic Novel. This bored me. It's like two hundred pages of Fly's origin story, except without the origin story so I have no idea where he's coming from. It's possible they went over some of this stuff in the previous trade -- they kept alluding to a spell I only remember vaguely -- but even excusing my faulty memory, I didn't really care about Fly or his magical kingdom, though he did find some clever ways to defeat the enemy armies. It was just too long: a lot of build up, not much climax. The one-off in the middle about Snow, Bigby, and the cubs, "The Birthday Secret," had cute art, but I think I only liked it because it wasn't about Ambrose. I don't know if I can make myself read the next trade. Two stars. This wasn't bad (I don't think?) but it definitely wasn't what I wanted.
Hoang Nguyen huyhoangng4a4c — This book was an autobiography. I chose this book because I read a different book by the same author, so I thought this one would be good also. This book is basically about this guy who lives in San Jose and grew up here. His name is Art Rodriguez. He goes through a lot before he is even eighteen. He tries to be a good kid, even as an adult he struggles to be make the right decisions for himself. In my opinion this book was both man versus self and man versus society. I chose this because both himself and his society had an effect on the choices he made and the person he became. He was fighting with himself to be a better person because of the surroundings he was placed in from the time he was little until the time he grew up. To me the theme is making the best out of the situations you are placed in. We don’t ask to be placed in situations or environments most times. This author showed how you can be in bad situations and still find a way to get through it and better yourself from it. This is something I can absolutely relate to. The author didn’t seem to use ant literary devices. The authors writing style is very vivid. He describes situations in great detail. Everything he explained I could see in my head. I thought the book was very good. It was a story I could relate to, it held my attention the whole time. It was also very easy to read. I would definitely recommend it to anyone it was a good book.
周 珏 iamjuejue — 4 1/2. The book is pretty much all talk, since it's in the form of a journal. I'm a bit shocked that I'd rate a journal-formatted book anywhere close to 5 stars, but I really came to love the narrator's voice. And even learned to live with (and appreciate) the uncertainty of whether the fairy and magic-filled life she relates is true or just the elaborate construct of a very disturbed adolescent. Kinda like the ambiguity of magic in this book. It's always deniable - always has possible rational explanations. Sometimes ambiguity is frustrating, sometimes it's magical - it's the latter with this book which is simply quite wonderful. A caveat... The journal is filled with many, many, many references to titles in the pre-1980 science fiction canon (plus a few fantasy, historical fiction, and philosophy titles). Although it's been decades since I've read them, I *have* read most, and have at least a vague memory of them. I don't *think* it's necessary for a reader to have this background to fully enjoy the book, since most of what's discussed about them are their general themes, but it's possible that some readers without any background in SF or with no sympathy for the genre might find it all off-putting (at least) or a fatal flaw (at worst).
Lára Kristjánsdóttir larakristjans — I enjoyed this insider view of a book club not entirely unlike my own -- and yet occurring in a context that I can't even imagine (though the author did a great job of painting a picture of it).
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