To the Daughter with the Loveliest Smile Ever Bởi Helen Exley
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To the Daughter with the Loveliest Smile Ever chi tiết
- Nhà xuất bản: Helen Exley
- Ngày xuất bản:
- Che: Bìa cứng.
- Ngôn ngữ:
- ISBN-10:
- ISBN-13:
- Kích thước: 2.5 x 2.3 x 1.3cm.
- Cân nặng: 60 gr
- Trang:
- Loạt:
- Cấp:
- Tuổi tác:
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To the Daughter with the Loveliest Smile Ever Sách lại
Yaroslav Lozhkin yalozhkin — A quick, but challenging read, C.S. Lewis' Abolition of Man begins as a critique of a particular school text book, then expands to encompass many of the 20th century's assumptions about morality. While parts of the book are very rooted in 20th century England, there is still a lot that can be applied to our 21st century world. Lewis spends most of the book arguing against the modern tendency to discard traditional morality in favor of "instinct." He instead suggests that any belief system that is not grounded in "the Tao" - a first principles set which constitutes the basic morality common to all religious faiths. It would seem that this argument between those that use a basic morality to judge actions and those who do not hold to any sort of morality is still going on, making Lewis' treatise an interesting read.
Guan Ying a5734481735921 — i think this book has constaint suspence on every page. i loved reading this book because there was lots of action on everypage i just loved this book
Rui Morais _ui_orais — Sniff! What a sad but happy book. Good school-age picture book for dog lovers. Also, although the medium is not listed, I think this is one of the more successful digitally illustrated books I've seen.
David Chalmers blumpie — Let me begin by saying this: adults, please do not be put off by the fact that this is categorized as a young adult book. Don't feel squirmy because it's not in the adult section of the library. Read it anyways. Heck, I can recommend about a dozen other Young Adult books you should read while your at it. Just... don't judge a book by where it's shelved, please. Thanks for listening to my public service announcement - now on to the review! *ahem*. I read this book, cover to cover, in one day. It grabbed me right from the start. There's a stark poetry to it, though every now and then you have to pause, let the words settle into you, run your fingers through them to let the beauty of the image become real. Suzanne gives you the foundation and expects you to take the next step. There was more than one occasion that I'd be partway through the next paragraph before an image really hit me and made me go "oh, wow - I like that!" The history of how this dystopian future came about is sketchy at best, but that too is handled well. Since the book is told from the Point of View of a 16 year old girl, when someone else relates the hows and whys of getting to here and now, she phases out a bit, glosses the details. It works. And the world itself, that here and now, is well crafted, down to a few startling details. There are a few occasional slips, and I found myself laughing at those times the author herself caught them with a quick edit explaining how on earth our starved and downtrodden heroine could possibly know what orange juice or velvet is. From time to time I did find the flashbacks to be annoying - they dragged me out of the story, the current action, to give me fragments of a past that I don't really need right at that moment, at least not in such depth. Small things set these flashbacks off - the sight of a gold pin or a dandelion can trigger pages of reminiscing. Mostly I like the characters, though a few of them seem rather one-sided - Effie Trinket comes to mind, a bubbly woman in a world that has no place for bubbly. She never really goes beyond that. Also, I will totally admit to having cried at one of the deaths (oh, don't act like I'm spoiling anything! It's a book about KIDS KILLING EACH OTHER - of course there's death!) And the main character, Katniss, was someone I really enjoyed. She was both strong and weak all at once, often lost herself in trivial details in order to cope with what was happening around her, and all that made her not only real, but human - which we desperately need when we're thrown into such an inhumane setting. You might think that, in a setting like this, you'd be lost in the action, the blood. You aren't. Suzanne's message is about that humanity you see in Katniss, the MC - it's about being pulled in half, about rebelling to save a piece of who you are in a place that tries to strip that from you. That's not to say that Katniss, when she does her own part in the killing, breaks down. She doesn't. She has a strength in those moments when she is forced to act, and she even kills not because she has to, but because she chooses to. She is not a passive child filled only with reaction: she acts on her own, and does so with brilliance, passion, and determination. She does not regret her actions, or perhaps more accurately, her kills. She takes them in stride, and moves on. When I reached the end, I didn't feel left hanging per se, but I desperately needed to know what came next. I was flustered. I wanted to go pick up book 2 that moment and devour it as I had the first. I can only hope that it will be just as good.
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